Wednesday 22 February 2012

Emlyn Hooson

We had known for some time that Lord Hooson was not well. He had made it known when we were celebrating the anniversary of local hero Sir Samuel Thomas Evans that he was not able to make the journey to Neath Abbey. It is still sad to learn of his death. There is a short appreciation here on Liberal Democrat Voice.

My memory of Emlyn Hooson was as a very engaging speaker at Lloyd George Society weekends. He had a great fund of stories about Liberal Party and other political figures. I believe he had written a memoir of his predecessor in Montgomery, Clement Davies, but was beaten to print publication by Alun Wyburn-Powell.

He was the author of "Law and Order in a Civilised Society" and "The Case for a Bill of Rights", both of which appear to be out of print.

1 comment:

Frank Little said...

I recall Lord Hooson's recollection of the time when he was Chief Whip in the Lords, at a time when the Conservative roll still outnumbered other party affiliations combined by three to one. He didn't need to trouble his backwoods peers more than once or twice a year in order to succeed in crucial votes. When he saw the Duke of Atholl in the lobby, Emlyn Hooson said, he knew that the Tory Chief Whip had got back to the start of the directory.